Monday, March 24, 2008

Ideas of reference; is that really you?

Are you having problems of thinking that people(strangers) might talking about you on your back or while reading a paper believing that the headlines or stories written into it is pointing at you? well guess what your experiencing ideas of reference. Ideas of reference involve the belief that casual beliefs or people's remarks are referring to oneself when in fact they are not.

People experiencing ideas of reference might consider this as normal feeling/ thoughts. Individual may have experiencing severe anxiety because they may think that other people are judging them or criticizing them. Its a pattern of disbelief of which an individual thinks that an external events and activities have a special significance for them.

People with ideas of reference tend to experience:

1. They would think that people from the other side of the road is talking about him or her.
2. They would try to react on newspaper headlines or stories.
3. They think that the report of a certain news caster on a television/ radio is referring to oneself.
4. Laughing peoples will trigger individual with this kind of illness by thinking that he's the center point of that certain laughter.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Are you a submissive partner?

Submissiveness is the incidence or trait of following the will of another person. Doing such act is good in way that it helps you strengthen such relationship in the other hand being submissive in ones relationship is also not good because you are just trying to teach your partner the way of being bossy or not trying to help his or herself.

In human relationship, submissiveness maybe either positive or negative. Submissive partner tries to appease the other through agreeing to their command. If being submissive is healthy on both sides then their relationship may get stronger but if one of them is suffering from chronic, pervasive emotional distress then the relationship or individual needs or may require thorough reevaluation.

In social status submissiveness is for people who has low self-esteem. You wanna know why?! because for the reason that they tend to agree on individual that thinks they are high and mighty! They are trying to grant commands to others because for the fact that they wanted to be part of a high social group!